111-1 Landscape Architecture Design(III) – Design Ideas Inspired by Contextual Imagination
111-1 Landscape Architecture Design(III) - Design Ideas Inspired…

110-2 Thesis Design “From the same starting point, the tentacles of environmental care extend in different directions”
110-2 Thesis Design "From the same starting point, the tentacles…

110-1 First-Year University Environmental Experience Integrated Landscape Architecture Design Course – “Designing for the Environment Learning Design in the Environment”
110-1 First-Year University Environmental Experience Integrated…
111-1 Master of Advanced Design Studio- Sustainable Management, Diversified Thinking
111-1 Master of Advanced Design Studio- Sustainable Management,…

109-2 Community Empowerment and Citizen Participation
109-2 Community Empowerment and Citizen Participation

Global Studio – Professional Learning with a Global Perspective
Global Studio - Professional Learning with a Global Perspective

109-2 Sophomore Course “Plant Design” Visit to NTU Campus
109-2 Sophomore Course "Plant Design" Visit to NTU Campus

110-2 Master of Landscape Architecture Mini-Course – Landscape and the driving forces: New ideas and approaches
110-2 Master of Landscape Architecture Mini-Course - Landscape…

105-2 Master of Advanced Design Studio (II)-Landscape Planning and Management
105-2 Master of Advanced Design Studio (II)-Landscape Planning…

105-2 Master of Landscape and the driving forces: New ideas and approaches
105-2 Master of Landscape and the driving forces: New ideas and…